Thursday, July 13, 2006

I think Sully's trying to tell us something...

It's not often one sees a blog post highlighting the spiritual advantages of mushrooms (not the kind in spaghetti sauce) but I found one. Mad props for writing it, though it makes me wonder if his own conversion to Catholicism was a result for some experimentation. I mean, there's a store in my town run by born-again types used to be pretty heavy into the halucinogens.

But I digress. If I ever take mushrooms, I'm going to have to leave myself a tape recording wagging my finger at myself if I end up converting to a religion as a result of the experience, trying to talk myself out of it.

...well, fuck, what else is there to write about in the summer?


At 7/13/2006 8:59 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't smoke mushrooms you ingest them; by eating, making tea or cooking into past sauce would also work.


At 7/13/2006 11:20 a.m., Blogger Ryan Ringer said...

Yikes, I knew that! *edited*

Thanks for pointing that out, that's embarassing.


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