Thursday, December 07, 2006

Thoughts on citizenship

The occassionally wrong but always engaging Andrew Coyne, on Dion's dual-citizenship. My favourite part is where he gets philosophical:

Mr. Dion objects, reasonably enough, that identities are multiple, that “the hearts of people are big enough to accept different identities.” And so they are. The proposition is at the very foundation of a liberal society: that each individual person is the unique intersection of all the many groups to which each of us belongs; that as such the individual is, far from the rootless atom of caricature, the greatest common denominator of social cohesion. Our uniqueness as individuals, the perfect singularity of every human consciousness, is in fact what we have in common.

(What parades in the name of “diversity,” the obsession with particular group memberships -- racial, sexual, and so on -- that is the hallmark of identity politics, is thus revealed as a fraud. The truer, deeper diversity extends all the way to the individual. Anything short of that is not really about diversity, but homogeneity: not differences between groups, but sameness within the group. As it oversimplifies, so it divides.)

I couldn't agree more.


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