Friday, December 02, 2005

Down with handpicked candidates! Part II

Seems this "Allan Cutler was acclaimed because the Tories disqualified his only rival" story has actually been a story since before tonight - I'm surprised no one (that I know of) picked up on it.

Now, this blog has grown a bit more popular than in previous months, probably because of the election. I seem to be pissing off a lot of Tories who are saying some nasty things about me in the comments. Well, like Stephen Harper said, if they're attacking me, I must be doing something right. Take this story for instance - I said that the CBC was reporting it on The National tonight - in fact, I was watching the TV as I was typing. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a link right away, leading some to, shall we say, question my integrity. One even threatened a libel suit! (I feel so special, no one's ever threatened to sue me before.)

Well, there's your proof. I can't find a quote for the riding association head, but the CBC did report it, so I imagine it will be up on their website soon enough. I'll be sure to post it here once I find it. Wouldn't want to be called a liar again!

EDIT: Speak of the devil, there it is. Thanks to HisHighness from Liberal for Life.

Appears Ridell was offered a deal to step down - the Tories would pay his campaign debts for him. When he did step down, the party said there were "no strings attached", and has thus far not honoured their deal.

The riding assocition executive's name is Neil McFadden, who called Harper a "hypocrite". The letter said Harper should not "covertly orchestrate the assassination of other candidates".

There you go, boys. Sue me!


At 12/03/2005 12:17 a.m., Blogger Ryan Ringer said...

Well, it would seem to me that his original disqulification was for ridiculous reasons - dressing as a TV character at a costume party? - and the appeal board apparently agreed with me.

Also, simply denying that Ridell's claims lack legitimacy does not prove them false, nor does it mean it's not something that should raise some eyebrows. What's clear here is that he wanted to run, and was prevented by the party from doing so.

As for Ignatieff, I think he's been the victim of quite the smear campaign. Allegations that he's a "Ukraineophobe" are patently false as he's taken great pains to demonstrate, and while I disagree with his views on torture, he has been quick to denounce such attrocities as Abu Ghraib.

At 12/03/2005 12:48 a.m., Blogger Ryan Ringer said...

Why on Earth would Ridell withdraw his candidacy if he wanted to run, as he claims he did?

As for Ignatieff's "casuistry", I don't understand why anyone would be uncomfortable with an analytical, rational approach to things, as opposed to emotionalism. I'm quite comfortable with it - I reject emotionalism because it is irrational. Emotional responses to things are devoid, philosophically, of any useful meaning. As an academic, Ignatieff surely understands this.

At 12/03/2005 12:52 a.m., Blogger Hishighness said...

Always a pleasure to help a fellow Liberal against Conservative idiocy.

At 12/05/2005 5:11 p.m., Blogger Dan McKenzie said...

More conservative nomination bs


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