Friday, June 23, 2006

Of chickens and eggs

Some American chicken little says that the sky is falling, and it's all Jon Stewart's fault.

Apparently, a new study has found that young people don't vote, and are increasingly cynical. (You don't say?) It also found that a lot of young people watch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. (No shit?) Incidentally, a new study has also found that a watched pot never boils, Belinda Stronach has a lot of money, and that George Bush doesn't have a clue.

Here's where it gets funny - according to this blowhard, the clear implication is that Jon Stewart is making people cynical and less likely to vote. The more reasonable explanation, that cynical young people who don't vote like to watch Jon Stewart instead of "hard news" because they're cynical about democracy and what passes for the media already, is conveniently absent from the editorial.

Rest assured, Jon Stewart couldn't possibly do any more than the Bush administration, Congress, lobbyists, big money, corporations, skyrocketing debt, the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, Ann Coulter, reality shows, the religious right, and a compliant news media have already done to make people cynical about democracy and the media.

Speaking of which, I miss Bill Maher. I can't wait for the new season.

(Hat tip: liberal catnip.)


At 6/23/2006 4:12 p.m., Blogger Red Tory said...

A Pew Research study a while back showed that viewers of The Daily Show are better informed that those who get their news from Fox. Imagine that. ;-)

At 6/25/2006 1:26 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

william fudger

I was happy to find your blog as I'm an ancient old creature that wants to "keep up". A line in your blog said " Some American chicken little says that the sky is falling, and it's all Jon Stewart's fault."

What if it said "Some Polish chicken little says that the sky is falling, and it's all Jon Stewart's fault."

or: Some Meti chicken little says that the sky is falling, and it's all Jon Stewart's fault.

I mightn't have noticed so much except that you turned me on to BigCityLib where there is a lot of discourse about anti American versus anti Americanism and I'm sure you meant the latter but it's still too open to misinterpretation. Anyway, keep up the struggle. Be gay.


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