The greatest song ever?
It just might be!
PS: I'm very sorry for the Ignatieff-esque absence. I'll start posting again soon, probably tomorrow.
Because I can only subject my poor friends and family to my political rantings and ravings for so long.
It just might be!
Read on.
I think this is really all that needs to be said.
Apparently, Bill Clinton is gay.
Agree or disagree with his politics, it's hard to listen to Noam Chomsky talk about the lack of real elections fought on issues and not notice examples of it. It's true, people tend to focus more on "likability" and "comfort" and "personality" than they do on where candidates stand on issues.
I mean fuck, not all of us can be in love!
Oh my god, the parts don't fit! What are we gonna do? You wanna go bowling? Sure, this is not working!
I haven't really been blogging in too much depth about the mideast crisis because really, there's so much cyber-ink being spilled on it already that I felt that there was nothing more to say.
Kudos to Cerberus for this wonderful post. I've always said, one of the greatest things about the right-wing presence on the web is that you can see right-wingers the way they really think, when they don't have to deal with the irritants of civilized society, such as common decency. (The bars in downtown Peterborough are a good place for this too, but that's another story entirely.) This post should be saved for posterity.
A lot of people are upset that Stephen Harper won't be at the AIDS conference in Toronto. But it could be worse; much worse. We could have a leader like George Bush, who actively seeks to prevent, distort and hinder scientific research because of his "morality." Bush is following in the Ronald Reagan mold of actively hindering research into the worst epidemic the world has ever seen. The difference is, Reagan's hinderance was based on homophobia, Bush's is based on... I don't even know what, but it seems to just be a pathological hatred of science.
I will be seeing this movie the day it comes out. The fucking DAY IT COMES OUT.
Unfortunately, it's a bill in favour of research into what could easily be the most revolutionary scientific medical breakthrough of our generation, stem cell research. To Bush, people with Alzheimer's, people who are paralyzed, people who suffer and desperately need this research, are second banana to a microscopic mass of cells.
Just watch. I was actually laughing by the end because it's so deliciously absurd.
It's been a year since the execution of Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni, two Iranian boys whose crime was being in love with each other.
This is interesting stuff. I don't really have any comments to make about it, I just wanted to share it.
For those of you curious to read Belinda's proposals unfiltered by the media, she has a (non-MP) website set up at where you can read them for yourself.
I'm going to distinguish myself from my hetero-male compatriots in Liblogs by not posting a picture of Belinda to go along with this story; I understand the urge to do so for them, as she is quite stunning, but her image need not grace every story ever written about her.
And why shouldn't she? She's got nothing to lose; he, on the other hand, has plenty. Kudos to Bennett for being, to my knowledge, the first Liberal leadership contender to show some guts and call Volpe on his dirty campaign. In a Globe and Mail letter published today (registration required,) Bennett said that if the Liberal Party is serious about cleaning up its act and facing Canadians, its leadership contenders need to acknowledge the "elephant in the room" that is Joe Volpe's sketchy campaign tactics. There's no reason not to from an ethical point of view - from a political point of view, those hoping to score Volpe's support at the convention are being shrewd. And spineless.
Ted Stevens is quite the guy, isn't he? The man in charge of regulating the internet... well, in Jon Stewart's words, "doesn't know jack shit about computers or the internet." Pretty apt description if you ask me. Warning - too funny. Don't eat or drink while watching that clip.
San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom, who attempted to legalize gay marriages in his city in 2004, has a message for his fellow Democrats - grow a spine! I couldn't agree more. According to Newsom, a "vast majority" of Congressional Democrats favour gay marriage, but they don't have the "moral courage" to say so; he bases this, he says, on first-hand knowledge.
Not every Democrat in Washington agrees with gay marriage. But I will make the case — based on some strong evidence — that an overwhelming majority do. But they just can’t say it. And that is a limitation that is causing more damage than the issue. Because, again, it shows a weakness of character.
This is really one of the great final civil rights struggles, and again I say to my colleagues in the Democratic party: Why are you a Democrat if you can’t stand on a fundamental construct that has always distinguished our party. That we didn’t sit around. We advanced the issues of equality. We engaged the American people head on.
Preach it!It's nice to have a Jon Stewart break every so often. I'm without television for the summer (boo!) so I've missed him desperately. Here, Jon talks about Joe Lieberman and Rick "frothy mix" Santorum. Good stuff.
The Star thinks so. Interesting. Though this bugs me:
It's not often one sees a blog post highlighting the spiritual advantages of mushrooms (not the kind in spaghetti sauce) but I found one. Mad props for writing it, though it makes me wonder if his own conversion to Catholicism was a result for some experimentation. I mean, there's a store in my town run by born-again types used to be pretty heavy into the halucinogens.
Apparently, it doesn't matter what your most fundamental beliefs about the nature of the universe are. All that matter is that you hate gay people. Doesn't it just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know that these factions, usually so hostile to each other, can put aside condemning each other to eternal damnation to oppose the greatest threat to the western world today (according to the far right)?
Substantive blogging? I wish. -_-
20% of Spaniards go to mass.
I'm telling you, I love this thing. It just keeps surprising me.
I've called conservatives writ large "crazy" before, as a hyperbolic jest, usually with other liberal-minded friends. I know, of course, that conservatives aren't crazy - that's just silly.
In the United States, anyway, this is what it has become. It has no values anymore beyond power - the maintaining of power, and the defence of unlimited, unchecked, unbalanced, unquestioned, and unopposed power for the executive branch of government, a defence of a quasi-dictatorship within a nominal democracy.
Well, I was out yesterday buying a bottle of pop, and instead of costing me $2.29, it instead came to $2.28. Thanks, Stephen! I wonder if the bank will let me open a special savings account for all the pennies I'm going to save thanks to this wonderful tax cut?
Not the kind you're thinking. The niece of Fidel Castro is leading an increasingly popular movement in Cuba to modernize the country's machismo sexual politics, pushing for acceptance of gay people and transsexuals. Read on, it's a fascinating piece. With liberalization comes tolerance, with tolerance comes freedom, with freedom comes democracy; they are all inextricably linked, classical liberal values.
Oh my god, the parts don't fit! What are we gonna do? You wanna go bowling? Sure, this is not working!